Any time at all, any time at all, any time at all , all
you've gotta do is call and I'll be there.
If you need somebody to love, just look into my eyes, I'll
be there to make you feel right.
If you're feeling sorry and sad, I'd really sympathize.
Don't you be sad, just call me tonight.
Any time at all, any time at all, any time at all , all
you've gotta do is call and I'll be there.
If the sun has faded away, I'll try to make it shine,
there's nothing I won't do
If you need a shoulder to cry on I hope it will be mine.
Call me tonight, and I'll come to you.
Any time at all, any time at all, any time at all , all
you've gotta do is call and I'll be there.
Any time at all, all you've gotta do is call and I'll be there.
- Beatles, "Anytime At All"
Why I love the complexities of language and the use of extensive vocabulary that explains things that simple vocabulary can not attain to the full extent, I forget how simplicity and syntax can go a long way. It is genuine and it is relatable, it is timeless.
I went to NJ for memorial weekend and even though I had a ton of hw, I had a really good time. It was a very warming experience because Jason and Ateh Jackie are my closest cousins. Visiting them once every year, gives me a true sense of family. We are loud, we eat immensely, we go out, and we do absolutely nothing and it is still fun. We have seen each other in our grossest and not so pretty moments but there is not judge. I wish they lived closer (as i do wish with other people as well). I wish all my cousins were closer and that I know them as well as NJ cousins. There are so many of us in the house at one time, not to mention all the dogs. I just think that later, I want a big family, at least 3-4 kids and 2+ dogs. I want to live near my close friends, siblings, AJ, and Ateh Jackie so our kids are surrounded by people. I am such a lover of people. It's pathetic :D. But now I guess, back to the reality of this Anatomy test tomorrow. WHOO.