Saturday, May 9, 2009

late night pondering

It's about 2:47 am and I'm still wide awake.  At this time of the hour, everyone in the house is asleep and everything is quiet.  All I hear are the sounds that are made within my house.  I love the nighttime, but it gets so lonely especially if no one is up with you.  I like the solitude and the reverie of this silence.  I am alone and allowed to let my mind wander.  Sometimes I don't want to think.  I don't want to sleep either.  I want to just lie down here with someone and soak it in.  Soak in what you ask?  Soak in nothingness.  I don't want to think about anything.  I just want to enjoy this present, this unbreakable quietness.  I love music, I love sound, I love being loud.  But a part of me that likes the night, loves the quiet.  What is so mysterious about this silence?  What is it about it that makes it so filling to me?  Lonely at times, yes.  But peaceful.  Maybe because the day is constantly moving.  There's so many things to do.  At night.  I can do nothing.  I don't have to reflect because you know what?  Thinking can be annoying.  It uses to much energy and too much emotion.  I just want to lie down and let my mind do whatever, think or just wander aimlessly.  Maybe it's a form of meditating for me.  Who knows?  But it'll end, as it always does.  It's time to sleep, time to wake up, time to resume moving.  But it always comes back.  I stay up late enough anyway.  

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